Cornelia Steidl

+43 660 4970931

The founder, owner and managing director of SPREAD studied German and English philology at the University of Regensburg in 1998. During her studies, she worked as a freelance editor for a regional Sunday paper in Germany. After that, she studied economic science with a focus on sales and marketing in Munich and also obtained a trainer licence (Ausbilder-Schein (AdA)).

In 2003, her childhood dream became true when she moved to Vienna to work in the media industry as a key account manager for the News publishing group. For six years, she was in charge of the cosmetics, watches and jewellery industry, auction houses and international fashion labels. In 2004, she became the project manager of the News Exklusiv luxury magazine which she had designed and launched on the market jointly with the editorial department. Three years later, she was a founding member of the First premium magazine as senior vice president marketing & sales. She left the publishing house in 2009 to stay in New York for half a year.

When she returned in 2020, she took over the Diva and Diva Wohnen magazines as advertising manager at Styria Multi Media Ladies GmbH and launched the successful Diva Stylebible. In early 2012, she moved up the ladder and became a member of the management board where she was responsible for the brand management, selling and marketing of her magazines (Diva, Diva Wohnen, Miss, Gartenmagazin). In addition to this, she was in charge of managing international sales representatives and Italian customers for the ladies unit. She was the project manager of the Spar Mahlzeit corporate journal for two years. The final scene of her career with Styria was the market launch of the Diva Stylebible in Switzerland.

The Viennese-by-choice established SPREAD in October 2014 and today is the head of the agency with a team of seven and a very proud mother.